UH OH: Gordon Sondland accused of sexual misconduct and retaliation by three different women…

Three women have reportedly come forward, by name, and have accused Gordon Sondland of sexual misconduct and retaliation, which includes an incident where he exposed himself:

DAILY MAIL – Three women have accused Gordon Sondland, the American ambassador to the European Union who is at the center of the presidential impeachment inquiry, of sexual misconduct and retaliation.

The three women say that Sondland made unwanted sexual contact with them in business settings, and on one occasion exposed himself, before he joined the U.S. State Department last year.

The women say that Sondland retaliated against them after they rejected his advances, according to a bombshell ProPublica and Portland Monthly report published Wednesday.

They women have revealed their identities:

The three women who shared the allegations came forward by name. They are Portland Monthly Magazine owner Nicole Vogel, insurance executive Jana Solis, and Portland political consultant and nonprofit manager Natalie Sept.

Vogel said that she was raising money to launch Portland Monthly in 2003 and met with Sondland twice for a potential investment.

Sondland denies it, as you might have expected:

However, Sondland has denied the allegations.

‘In decades of my career in business and civic affairs, my conduct can be affirmed by hundreds of employees and colleagues with whom I have worked in countless circumstances,’ he said to ProPublica in a statement.

‘These untrue claims of unwanted touching and kissing are concocted and, I believe, coordinated for political purposes. They have no basis in fact, and I categorically deny them.’

Of course we don’t know if this is true and it could be a retribution attack against Sondland for his testimony last week. But the fact that it’s three different women and they’ve all attached their names to these claims does give these accusations some credence.

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