UH OH: New poll shows voter support for ‘Medicare For All’ is PLUNGING big time!

Democrats running for president have foisted their socialist Medicare for All health care plan into the limelight this year.

But as the reality of the plan getting rid of private health insurance has been revealed to Americans, their support for the radical takeover of health care has plunged by a whopping 50%:

MORNING CONSULT – While top Democrats prepare to release health reform bills offering different iterations of single-payer systems and public insurance options and as Democratic presidential hopefuls begin building their health care platforms, “Medicare for all,” a long-cherished dream of progressive lawmakers and advocates, has come under increased fire from opponents who warn voters that they are at risk of losing their private insurance.

The laser focus on expanding the government’s role in health care has coincided with a double-digit slide in net support for “Medicare for all” among voters from January to February, according to new data from a Morning Consult/Politico poll.

Although “Medicare for all” enjoyed net support of 27 percentage points (calculated by subtracting the share of opponents from the share of supporters) among registered voters at the onset of 2019, that share dropped 15 points in the Feb. 7-10 survey, to 12 points.

The poll, which surveyed 1,991 voters and has a margin of error of 2 percentage points, found opposition to a system in which all Americans get their health insurance from the government grew among voters of both political parties, with net support sinking 11 points among Democrats and 21 points among Republicans.

Check out their chart below, which shows the support dropping on all sides:

Among Democrats the plan still significant support.

But notice that with the coveted independent voters, support has plunged well over 50% from 40% to just 14%!

This must be troubling for Democrats already going on record supporting it. Even though many Democrats still support it, beating Trump is the most important thing to them. Which means that in the primary, ‘Medicare For All’ could be seen as a liability and may quickly sink any candidates supporting it.

But hey, we don’t mind if they win.

As many on our side have always said, Democrats should be open and honest about their radical socialist ideas so that the American people know what they are really voting for. And if this poll is any indication, they won’t be voting for a candidate who supports this nonsense in the 2020 general.

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