UH OH REPORT: Jeff Flake is flaking AGAIN over Kavanaugh vote…

I don’t want to alarm you people, but it sounds like Jeff Flake may be flaking again over the Kavanaugh vote coming Saturday.

The Atlantic writer Elaina Plott is reporting that Flake is “still having issues” and Republicans are working with him on it.

Yeesh. Sounds serious.

Flake said earlier today that the FBI report showed “no additional corroborating information”, which sounds good. But don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Flake often lives up to his name, as we’ve seen.

And of course Democrats are hoping to completely flip him…


There is another theory about Flake going around…

If Flake were up for reelection that might make more sense. But he has nothing to lose so I’m not sure what posturing would do for him at this point.

UPDATE: Jim Geraghty must’ve read my post. He believes Flake will get a TON of stuff he if votes no against Kavanaugh:

Yep, he’s probably right about this. Ugh.

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