Unbelievable: Twitter suspended someone for telling a journalist to LEARN to CODE!!

Twitter just gets worse and worse, and this one really leaves me scratching my head.

Look at what they suspended an account over:


IN case you’re wondering what that is, it’s a snarky joke that people have been tossing at journalists who have been fired from their jobs. The reason people are tossing that at them is that this is what some journalists said to mock coal workers and manufacturing workers when they lost their jobs. Good for the goose, good for the gander right?

Not according to Twitter. This is hatespeech.

The original account responded with a screenshot of the entire message:


This is completely insanity when so many leftwing accounts are issuing death threats and nothing happens to them. Twitter just can’t help but demonstrate their ridiculous bias every day now.

Well that’s it for Sunday, thanks again for all your comments clicks and shares on social media.

I reward you with an open thread. Here’s some comment fodder:


This idiot:

And some old school classics humor:

Yup, Zeus was the original Bill Clinton.

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