Unhinged Georgetown professor says HORRIBLE things about Kavanaugh, but even worse about Republicans on Senate Judiciary Committee…

This is one of the consequences of this smear campaign and character assassination by the Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, that stupid morons like Georgetown professor Christine Fair would believe the worst about Kavanaugh.

She actually referred to Kavanaugh as a “serial rapist” in a tweet this weekend. But if that’s not bad enough, she saved the worst for the Republican ‘white’ men on the committee:

That’s pretty dang sick. Thanks Senate Democrats.

If you don’t believe Kavanaugh’s reputation is completely ruined, then you aren’t paying attention.

I’d hope that Georgetown does something about this ridiculous excuse for a professor, but I doubt they will. But thankfully Twitter is at least standing by their rules and has suspended her:

By the way, this isn’t the first time Fair has become unhinged. You should have seen her after the 2016 election.

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