US to dismantle Biden’s Gaza pier due to rough seas

The super expensive humanitarian pier that Biden had built off the coast of Gaza is being dismantled due to rough seas, presumably to keep it from being damaged again.

It’s being towed up to Israel’s coast to await calm seas:

AL MONITOR – The US military will dismantle a floating humanitarian aid pier on the Gaza coast for a second time in less than a month due to heavy seas, a defense official confirmed to Al-Monitor.

The pier will be towed to the Israeli port of Ashdod to wait out another round of bad weather in the eastern Mediterranean in order to avoid damage to the structure.

A defense official speaking to Al-Monitor on Friday on the condition of anonymity gave no planned date for the resumption of the pier’s operations.

There wasn’t even a need for this pier in the first place. And now it can’t even remain in place because it can’t handle the rough seas that nearly destroyed it once before.

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