[VIDEO] – Biden admits to threatening Israel over Gaza

There’s a video going around tonight of Joe Biden admitting he’s threatened Israel over Gaza and claims if they don’t do what he wants, ‘a lot’ will happen.

I looked this video up and it’s actually from the end of April. But nonetheless it’s still enlightening, even though Biden is extremely vague about his threat.

Watch below:

Here’s the transcript:

BIDEN: I know you’re a typical press guy, you’re grabbing me in front of all this and I trust you as far as I can throw your phone. I have a good arm and can throw it a long way.

My point is this. I have made very clear to the Israelis what they have to do in the near term; if they don’t what’s going to happen.

KATZ: What’s going to happen?

BIDEN: A lot.

Make of it what you will, but it sounds like a threat to me to both Israel and this press guy. And it’s despicable. Israel is our ally and they are at war with a Muslim terrorist group who was committing genocide against Israeli civilians on October 7th of last year. This is a war of survival and Biden should be backing Israel one hundred percent. Instead he’s leaning on them hard because he’s more worried about his own election than their survival.

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