[VIDEO] Jim Jordan spills the beans, says he talked to Trump yesterday and he is definitely running for president

Lauren Windsor reported last night that Jim Jordan told her that Trump is not only running for president, but will announce he’s running “any day now”:

That’s pretty big news.

But Jordon’s spox clarified that he never told Winsor that Trump would be announcing soon:

Fast forward to today and Windsor has now released the video of Jordan’s comments:

Honestly I think Jordan’s spox is right. Jordan did say “He’s about ready to announce after all of this craziness in Afghanistan…”, but I don’t think he meant that literally. I read that to mean that Trump is chomping at the bit because of how badly Biden destroyed Afghanistan, not that he’s going to announce “any day now”.

Nonetheless, it is big news that Jordan confirmed that Trump is running, saying that he knows it’s true because he just talked to Trump yesterday about it. However, I suspect Jordan didn’t count on anyone recording him saying it.

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