[VIDEO] – Marco Rubio warns schmuck Alex Jones “DON’T TOUCH ME AGAIN” during press gaggle

Alex Jones was on Capitol Hill this morning trying to crash a hearing on social media. Aftward he started heckling Rubio during a press gaggle and then patted him on his shoulder a couple of times.

Rubio, claiming he had no idea who Jones was, asked him nicely not to touch him again. Jones kept pushing Rubio, suggesting Rubio would have him arrested. Rubio said he wouldn’t have him arrested, that he would just handle it himself. Jones then accused Rubio of threatening to beat him up.


Bottom line, Alex Jones is a bully and a schmuck. Part of me wishes Rubio would have clocked him right in his big fat mouth. But of course that’s exactly what bullies like Jones want, so I guess I’m glad he kept his composure.

But this is one reason most people will never take people like Jones seriously. Putting aside his crazy conspiracy theories, he’s a bully. The first video I ever saw of Jones was him bullying Michelle Malkin. That video left such a bad taste in my mouth that I’ve never liked him. And clearly he hasn’t changed.

He should just go back to Charlie Sheen’s house so they can check each other for hernias.

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