VIDEO: Trump says he DOES plan on inviting Kim Jong Un to the United States!

Trump said in a press conference a few minutes ago that he does in fact plan to invite Kim Jong Un to the US if the summit goes well:

As I told you yesterday, I am firmly against this. The man is a monster when it comes to how he treats his people, which is also a major source of my skepticism when it comes to Un’s true intentions.

There’s a reason why N. Korea is ALWAYS at the top of the list of countries that persecute Christians. Persecution there is the most extreme in the world! Just look at this list from open doors:

Look, I think denuclearization is a lofty goal but one worthwhile of negotiations. I’m not against pursuing that, assuming Un is serious. But even if that happens and he completely denuclearizes, he’s still the monster of N. Korea. And until that changes, I will always be against him setting foot in America. He should not be afforded such respect, and if Trump does invite him here it will be a serious mistake in my opinion.

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