[VIDEOS] Disgusting Maxine Waters says Portland is ‘trial run’ for Trump to start CIVIL WAR if he loses in November on MSNBC conspiracy network

The disgusting Maxine Waters is now pushing ridiculous conspiracy theories that the use of federal law enforcement in Portland is just a trial run by Trump who will use ‘his military’ to start a civil war if he loses in November:

Here’s what she said:

As a matter of fact, it has been suggested that this is a trial run of the president of the United States who may be organizing to not accept what happens when we have the election if he’s not elected. Is he going to pull out his military? Is he going to engage us? He is already alluded to there may be a civil war if he’s not re-elected. This is dangerous…

She gets zero pushback from the newest host on MSNBC, because she agrees with Waters.

This wasn’t the first time Waters spewed this nonsense. Here she is talking to Ali Velshi the day before:

“Who are these people? Are they organized by and with the president of the United States? Are there more of them? Are they in practice for what they are going to do when they resist the fact that this president, perhaps, is not going to be reelected? I think Americans should be worried…”

Again, she gets no pushback from Velshi. None.

Clearly MSNBC has become the Alex Jones conspiracy network on the left and Maxine Waters is their head cheerleader.

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