Wait, what? Charlamagne tha God says Democrats should be MORE like MTG

Left wing podcaster and TV host Charlamagne doesn’t normally have clips I’d feel like posting, even though he does spend a lot of time telling off Democrats. But this clip of him calling them out for the way they talk has a hidden but not-so-hidden subtext that makes it twice as hilarious as it is on its face.

I mean don’t get me wrong, the on its face part is hilarious enough. They do sound like pandering dirtbag fakes whenever they open their lying mouths – he’s got that part right and it’s awesome enough on that alone.

But look at the choice of clips he uses for the Democrats. Biden “buffering” and, I dunno, Methuselah? Some other old guy stuttering and stumbling through. That’s where the subtext comes in.

And then back to the on its face part, where he says that people like Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene sound like how real people sound, talk like how real people talk, and SEEM SINCERE. It’s hilarious.

Anyway, watch it, then more words.

So back to the underlying choices. The old guy clips — he’s saying Biden is old and decrepit and not unfit. I know, you don’t think that’s what he’s saying — but it is. And it’s true.

And he’s also saying Democrats are pandering liars who will just say any old crap to get votes. Again, you may not think he’s saying that, he may not think he’s saying that, but he’s daggum saying it anyhow.

And so am I. Democrats are liars. They are insincere jerks. This myth that SNL tried to push for years with guys like Al Gore that Democrats biggest flaw is they’re just too smart and too well informed? That was cover for the fact that everyone who is a normal person sees right through them and knows they are slimy hacks.

And even left wing comedian tv hosts can see it — even if they can’t say it outright.

Which is kind of ironic, by the way, given that his point is people should talk plain and say what they mean.

Oh by the way — To the grouches: Yeah yeah, his underlying premises are still far left-wing abortion-obsessed devilry and yadda yadda blah blah blah. I’m sure at least one person is going to super mad they had to hear someone disagree with them. Leave your complaint in the open comments below and I’ll definitely take it under advisement. You can trust me!

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