WATCH: Beto O’Rourke asked if he SUPPORTS 3rd trimester abortions that aren’t necessary…

As we’ve all seen lately, the Democratic Party has gone absolutely bonkers when it comes to abortion, with states like New York passing new laws that now allow third trimester abortions up to the point of birth.

It’s evil.

Today Beto was asked if he supports these third trimester abortions, being told by the questioner that they are medically unnecessary because the woman can just have a c-section.

Here’s how he responded:

America Rising PAC, who got this video, entitled it “Beto Dodges On Third Trimester Abortions”. After listening to Beto’a answer, I’m don’t think I agree with their title.

While I get that they mean he avoided weighing in on it with any substance, he literally said “that should be a decision that the woman makes”, to much applause. Which means he absolutely supports it!

People who support baby murder always couch it this way, saying it should be a woman’s choice. So there’s no doubt about it in my mind, he supports this barbaric practice because he feels it’s the woman’s decision as to whether she should abort her third trimester baby.

How disgusting. But I seriously doubt he’s in the minority here. I expect almost all of these presidential Democratic candidates to absolutely support New York’s new baby murder law. Because that’s just who they are now.

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