WATCH: Biden mixes up his wife and sister during his victory speech; Brit Hume wonders how many voters think Biden is approaching senility

Last night Joe Biden made a horrible gaffe by misidentifying his wife for his sister and visa-versa:

As you might have guessed, that echoed throughout social media. Out of curiosity I checked to see if they actually switched on him and it didn’t appear to me they did, as he’d just finished looking in the direction of his wife less than a minute before saying this. He was, however, holding his wife’s hand in his left hand as they took the stage, so that’s probably what he meant by saying they ‘switched’ on him.

The inevitable discussion of Biden’s gaffes came up last night on Fox News where Brit Hume wondered just how many voters would agree Biden is either senile or approaching it?

I’ve cued it up to about 2:32, but you can back it up to the beginning. The whole video is on the topic, but the first part is just on the political consequences of it.

Biden really does gaffe a lot. I remember when the Obama administration had to pull him from traveling around the US because he just kept making dumb mistakes. Sometimes I think it’s just Biden being Biden and then other times I really wonder. Just a few days ago he literally proclaimed he was running for the United States Senate and he didn’t catch his mistake, at least not as soon as he said it.

In related news, protesters stormed the stage during Biden’s victory speech last night:

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