WATCH: CNN’s Cuomo compares the MAGA hat ban to wearing a t-shirt saying “I hate black people”

CNN’s Chris Cuomo says he would normally tell those who ban people for wearing a piece of political clothing to “be better than that”. But not this time.

Cuomo says he doesn’t want to fall into the trap of “underselling the significance of the trigger to some people”.

In other words, he completely empathizes with this anti-Trump restaurant owner and thinks that in this case, it’s ok to ban people for wearing the MAGA hat.

He then argues that a more appropriate analogy to banning the MAGA hat would be banning people who’d wear a shirt saying “I hate black people”.

Cuomo notes that this is different from the baker not making a gay wedding cake because homosexuals are a protected class of people and Trump supporters are not.

Hmmmm. So what if a gay person is wearing the MAGA hat and gets refused service. Would it be wrong then? Or does the MAGA hat completely nullify the gay?

It’s amazing the lengths these people go to excuse bad behavior all in the name of hating Trump.

Look, what if the shoe was on the other foot? What if a restaurant banned service to people wearing Obama t-shirts? We know exactly what would happen. That restaurant owner would be widely condemned as racist by every media person under the sun.

(h/t: Free Beacon)

UPDATE: Ok I’m having a little fun now…

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