WATCH: Dan Bongino’s absolutely EPIC fury against MANIAC police state progressives over possible Trump arrest

“The police state is here” says Dan Bongino. He was on Fox and Friends this morning and his fury at the news that Donald Trump could be arrested on Tuedsay was as epic as it was justified.

Bongino levels the progressive Marxist woke left’s hypocrisy, lust for power, and all-consuming hatred of anyone who isn’t one of them.

It’s 9+ minutes, including convo with the Fox & Friends hosts, but all of it is must-see tv.

His warnings to get the hell out of blue states while you still can? Dead. On.

This could be what they call “go time,” y’all. The line being crossed. The Rubicon. This far, no further. Let the lawyers do battle in court. But you? You should move somewhere that isn’t infested with vermin the way New York is.

Sorry, those of you still there. That may be hard to hear but it’s the dang truth. Pack it up, move it out.


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