WATCH: Election integrity presenter demonstrates how our elections could be hacked and stolen

This past weekend in Orlando, Florida there was an election integrity event and one of the speakers demonstrated how foreigners are influencing our elections without us even knowing.

I don’t know this speaker’s name, but he’s some kind of analyst who says this info dropped into his lap recently where an Iranian whistleblower demonstrates how to hack our voter registration databases and create mail-in ballots.


As he pointed out this can be completely automated and that election officials would never know that these ballots were filled out by hackers.

While I have dabbled with databases before, this is beyond me so I can’t personally attest to the plausibility of this kind of hacking. But I understand from others I’ve talked to that this is plausible.

However, as I was researching this issue, I did find something from 2020 where former DNI John Ratcliffe suggested Iran had passed around a video of how hackers can cast ballots in our elections:

Top intelligence officials announced Wednesday evening that Iran and Russia have taken actions to try to compromise the U.S. election and have obtained some voter registration data.

Ratcliffe said Iran had also distributed other video content implying people could cast fraudulent ballots, “even from overseas.” The information in the video is not true, Ratcliffe emphasized, adding that Americans can be assured the election is secure.

I don’t know if this is the same video or something different. I only put it here because it sounds eerily similar to this video. It’s possible that this is the same video and in that case, Ratcliffe said it isn’t true. Ths is assuming he was telling the truth in 2020 and not just trying to keep from scaring voters.

I would hope, however, that the presenter wouldn’t use a phony video at a big conference like this. Just keep this in mind as you watch the video.

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