WATCH: Gov DeSantis NAILS Trump when asked how he’d respond to Trump insults

In a New Hampshire town hall, Governor DeSantis was asked last night how he’d respond on the debate stage when Trump insults him.

DeSantis proceeded to unload on the former president and it was magnificent.

Watch below:

DeSantis called out Trump’s behavior, saying his insults are phony and juvenile and that’s not the way a great nation should be conducting itself, nor is it the way a president of the United States should be conducting himself.

I especially liked how DeSantis said “I wouldn’t teach my kids to treat people like that. We have a 6, 5 and a 3 year-old. We teach our kids to treat people the way you would want to be treated yourself.”

He then proceeded to highlight policy differences, like how Trump is running on things he promised to do in 2016 but never did. Watch the full video for more…

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