WATCH: Here’s Gov DeSantis FULL answer on Trump and the 2020 race

There are some trying to make a big deal this morning over the answer given by Governor DeSantis when he was asked about whether Trump lost the 2020 race for president.

Below is the full answer from NBC News:

What they cut out from the clip on Twitter is all the problems he identifies with the 2020 election. DeSantis did clearly answer the question, pointing out if Trump had won he would have been sworn in as president. Dasha pushed back on his answer because he didn’t say the magic phrase she wanted to hear. So he essentially said the same thing all over again, that of course Trump lost because he’s not currently the president of the United States. But then he pushes back, saying the media wants to pretend like this was a perfect election and it was not.

Below is another partial clip from the interview on abortion that NBC News cuts off too soon:

Dasha claims that Democrats don’t want abortion all the way to birth? Has she not been paying attention to states like New York, which passed a law that allows abortion all the way up to birth??

They cut off DeSantis’ answer so I can’t wait to hear the full clip on that. We’ll bring it to you when we get it.

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