WATCH: Joe Biden makes colossal gaffe on debate stage, even stuns MSNBC host…

In last night’s Democratic debate on MSNBC, Joe Biden made a colossal gaffe when referencing his support from the black community. Just watch:

Biden says he’s been endorsed by the only African American woman ever to be elected to the Senate. But his gaffe is quickly exposed when both Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, who Biden is debating in this moment, start saying “wait that’s not true” and Harris starts laughing maniacally at Biden.

Watch it again, specifically Biden’s face to see how long it takes him before the lightbulb turns on and he realizes his error. I counted about 5 seconds…but it seemed like an eternity.

By the way, what exactly is a “Blaafrican American woman”?

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell is the one who called it a ‘colossal gaffe’, saying it’s unlike any gaffe he’s ever seen in a debate:

CNN had interesting reaction too, saying Biden blew all four tires in that moment…

I bet Rick Perry is breathing a sigh of relief now, knowing his ‘oops’ moment has finally been outdone.

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