WATCH: John Solomon explains the conspiracy that John Durham is unveiling

John Solomon was on with BillO tonight and explained in a very short amount of time what happened with the Clinton Campaign, the FBI and the CIA.

The Solomon portion of the interview begins around 2:20:

Solomon has been following this in depth for a long time and he has a good way of boiling things down. Here’s what he said:

“We already have three people who have been indicted. There’s clearly an ongoing criminal investigation and the more John Durham drops these hints in these court filings, like he did this weekend, the more you realize he’s looking at a potential conspiracy between a law firm, Perkins Coie, which was hiring all the different people that were putting the bad Russia narrative together. Christopher Steele was hired by them. Michael Sussman’s a lawyer for them and he’s taking bad dope over to the FBI.

And then you have these computer researchers that are going out there and trying to find little fragments of stuff called DNS lookups and try to make a case that Donald Trump was in bed with Russia.

Now it’s important to note that John Durham says most of the computer experts said ‘ha, this is bogus and it’s going to be hard to defend this’. But they put it together anyway.

And then Michael Sussman, a lawyer for Hillary Clinton, walks that into the FBI and when he doesn’t get what he wants from the FBI, he walks it into the CIA two or three months later.

That is a conspiracy that involves a lot of different people including somebody you mentioned in your monologue, Jake Sullivan. Jake Sullivan in October 2016 was putting this story out there as the National Security Advisor to the Clinton campaign saying look, there’s proof that Donald Trump has been colluding with Russia. At the moment that’s out there, a lot of people were saying it wasn’t true inside the Clinton campaign.

I like how Solomon connects the dots on this for us, helping us understand what happened, at least broadly speaking.

I should note that George Papadopoulos said today that when everything John Durham is investigating all comes out, this conspiracy will be global:

As a bonus, here’s Tucker’s monologue on all of this tonight. I haven’t watched it, but I hope it’s good:

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