WATCH: Kamala tries to clean up Biden’s mess, claims Special Counsel report was “politically motivated” and “gratuitous”

The White House is now pushing Kamala out there to talk to the media, hoping she can clean up the mess Joe Biden made last night of the special counsel’s damning report.

She told the press today that Special Counsel Robert Hur’s description of Biden was factually wrong and “politically motivated”:

“Politically motivated?” “Gratuitous?” Wow. I thought attacking a special counsel like this was wrong! At least that’s what we learned during the Trump administration with Robert Mueller. My how the tables have turned.

What’s really lame about her ‘defense’ of Biden is that people can see clearly that he has major mental issues and Kamala attacking the special counsel like this isn’t going to change that. For crying out loud he’s been saying he’s talked to dead people. Yes, we all see it clearly!

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