WATCH: Mark Levin on Fox and Friends: Samantha Bee should be FIRED…..and more!

Mark Levin was on Fox and Friends this morning weighing in on several topics, beginning with the horrible thing Samantha Bee said about Ivanka Trump.

Levin makes clear that he believes Bee is a vile and disgusting person that should be fired. After all, as he points out, if this were said about one of the Obama daughters the entire nation would have been repulsed by it.

If this had been said about the Obama daughters, Samantha Bee would have gotten the Roseanne Barr treatment. She would have immediately lost her job, her talent agency, and her dog. She would have had to write a country song about it to express her despair…and no one would buy it.

Instead, she says this about Trump’s daughter and she gets major applause, gets to keep her job and is simply told not to do it again. A collective ho-hum.

Levin also weighs in on why he supports the pardoning of Dinesh D’Souza, his issues with Trey Gowdy, and more so be sure and watch the full interview. (Especially the last 30 seconds!)

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