WATCH: Meghan McCain GRILLS Buttigieg on his partial birth abortion stance, then drops the mic!

On The View today Meghan McCain put Pete Buttigieg on the spot with a question regarding his stance on partial birth abortion:

I don’t know that I completely agree with America Rising’s characterization of Buttigieg’s answer, because he did really tell us what he believes, which is as radical as it gets in this country.

MCCAIN: What if a woman wanted to invoke infanticide after a baby was born, you’d be comfortable with that?

BUTTIGIEG: Does anybody seriously think that’s what these cases are about?

MCCAIN: I think there are people pushing for that, yes.

BUTTIGIEG: Think about the situation. If this is a late-term situation, then by definition it’s one where a woman was expecting to carry the pregnancy to term. Then she gets the most, perhaps, devastating news of her life. We’re talking about families that may have picked out a name, maybe assembling a crib, and they learn something excruciating and are faced with this terrible choice.

I don’t know what to tell them, morally, about what they should do. I just know that I trust her and her decision, medically or morally, isn’t gonna be any better because the government is commanding her to do it in a certain way.

MCCAIN: Just to put a pin in this, I respect what you’re saying because you didn’t back down from it. This is going to hurt you in the middle of the country with the Republicans you are trying to win over. People like me, this is a hard line. Quite frankly your answer is just as radical as I thought it was.

She’s absolutely right. To quote James Hasson on Twitter, “Buttigieg’s answer to this question completely discredits the myth of “Mayor Pete the moderate.” This answer is as radical as one you would hear from Ralph Northam.”

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