WATCH: MSNBC polling guy dumps cold water on the Democratic debate last night…

Last night the debate on stage in the Democratic Party between radical socialism and more moderate liberal policies was very much alive, with the more moderate Democrats decrying the pie-in-the-sky views of Warren and Sanders. But where do actual voters come down?

Democrats by and large do support these radical policies. The only one they were really split on was decriminalizing border crossings. Otherwise they’re all in for Medicare For All with no private insurance and giving illegal immigrants free healthcare.

But the more moderate Democrats were right in arguing that the American people as a whole do NOT support these radical positions.

The problem is that people like Tim Ryan can’t win because the Democratic base is with Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and other other radicals, as we see in the polling. These are the candidates that have all the energy and when it comes time to see which radical wins the primary, it looks like it will be nothing but good news for Trump.

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