WATCH: Sidney Powell discusses Dominion software, confirms their server was seized, and more highlights from press conference

At Team Trump’s press conference today, Sidney Powell discussed the Dominion software and how it was used to rig our election on November 3rd. She also read a letter from House Democrat Carolyn Maloney who had serious concerns about the company in the past. And more. I’ve got it cued up to 1:36:45 where Powell begins speaking:

Powell’s remarks go on for just over 13 minutes. In short, Powell discussed Dominion’s vote-changing algorithm, something she suggested they never would have found out about if it weren’t for Trump getting so many votes that it caused their algorithm to break, which was the cause of some states shutting down. She notes that’s when fabricated ballots came in the back door of many precincts on pristine paper.

Later on, Powell also confirmed that the Dominion server in Germany was seized, said it is ‘somehow related to this’, although she said she doesn’t know if it was seized by ‘good guys’ or ‘bad guys’:

Here are more highlights from the press conference I grabbed from Twitter:

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