WATCH: Spicer apologizes AGAIN, gets a grilling by Wolf Blitzer

Sean Spicer had to drag himself to CNN and apologize to all the Holocaust survivors that he offended when he made that inexplicable gaffe earlier today.

Watch below:

Wolf just keeps hitting him. “Did you NOT KNOW” about all the concentration camps?!?


House Harridan Nancy Pelosi is even calling for Spicer to be fired by Trump!!

I mean, wow. C’mon. He obviously made a mistake and they’re berating him for it. I thought it was stupid, but to be fair to him, they never do this to Democrats. They ask a softball question, let them make a statement and move on.

The other thing I find odd about this is how quickly the Trump admin capitulated. Do you remember how they had a statement on the Holocaust and didn’t mention the Jews? They were excoriated for it, and they stuck to their guns!! So why give in now? It’s just weird all over…

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