Watch the Ben Shapiro video that Youtube just demonetized…

Ben Shapiro has a new YouTube series called ‘Facts’, however YouTube has already demonetized his first video in the series because they don’t like what he says.

Here’s what Shapiro says about the video:

“Ironically, YouTube has suppressed monetization for Episode 1 of my new YouTube series, Facts, because it “discusses New World Order, which is a non-monetizable ‘conspiracy theory’ under [YouTube’s] Dangerous Acts in ad-friendly guidelines.”

“Except nothing in the video is a conspiracy theory at all.”

“Watch for yourself and get the facts about who is controlling ad revenue on YouTube and all of the largest Big Tech platforms–including this one.”

Watch below:

The Right Scoop has certainly been a victim of this censorship Ben discusses. Google finally dumped me last year after constantly labeling my front page as ‘misinformation’ (ironic, because it changes all the time) and suspending ad placements. The censorship started with my front page but then Google disabled their ads on my entire website, which led another ad partner I had, Ezoic, to dump me as well because they are deeply in bed with Google. Censorship by Google makes it difficult to find good sources of ad revenue because Google is the biggest player in the market and so many companies are in bed with them. But are managing to survive so don’t count us out yet.

That’s my two cents on what Shapiro has to say in this video. This censorship is obviously happening all across the conservative news spectrum of websites. So I would say think twice when you visit conservative news sites before turning that adblocker on, especially on site that try and keep ads as minimal as possible, like yours truly.

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