Watch the most INSANE one minute of cable “news” you might EVER see.

A 73 second clip. A 60 second rant. A lifetime of crazy. That’s the only way to describe the fully nutjob appearance of this clearly disturbed lunatic on MSNBC’s Cross Connection. And look it is HARD to be the craziest person on THAT show.

But Sarah Kendzior PHD manages to outdo Tiffany Cross and frequent guest Elie Mystal in just 1 minute of air time.

It defies description. Watch:

“tRuMp Was InstALLed aS The PResiDeNT Of ThE UnITed sTATes IN OrDER to wEAkeN tHE alLIAnCES tHat WeRE prevENTING putiN fROm ACHIevINg hIS goAls. AllIAnCEs liKe naTO, OuR relATionSHiP WITH Our eUrOPeAN partnERS, OuR reLAtIoNsHIp With UkRAInE. TRUMp wAs PuT iN As a buLLdoZEr. AnD hE WaS ALSO PUt IN, aS MalCOlm Said, as a bullDoZer tO tHE coNSTItuTION, TO OUR SYSTEm oF cHeckS aNd BALanCEs, TO our SysteM of INSTiTuTIOnAL TRUST. AND tHE UnwIlLINgnESs Of peopLE iN THe unITed StATEs to Confront ThE brOKEnnEsS Of ThOse iNsTItuTIoNS. whETHeR throUgh fInAnCIaL COrrUPtiON IN recent YeARs, OR aGE-OLD sysTEmic pRoBleMS lIke ThE EnDEmIC Racism thAt HOlds oUr COuntRy uP hAS conTribUTeD to THaT. FOx News IN That SENSe is JuST An eXTEnSIOn OF ThAT LONg-RuNNinG, DesTRuctive paTterN.”

As the psycho raved, her voice fille with the emotional distress of whatever drugs she was on or whatever mental illness has ravaged her mind.

“Indeed they are,” said the very, very stupid Tiffany Cross in response.

This is on TV as analysis and news. No one will apologize for it, or try to explain it. They will treat this like a normal thing to say.

That’s how far gone libs are. Not just unhinged. Incoherent.

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