WATCH: Thomas Massie gets into heated exchange with CNN host over no votes on Israeli bills…

Rep. Thomas Massie with on CNN’s Kate Bolduan and got into a heated exchange over his no votes on several bills in Congress dealing with Israel.

Bolduan was accusing Massie of being wrong about one of the bills and Massie approached it as a gotcha interview and accused Bolduan of not properly doing her research.

Here’s how that went:

Tom Elliott gave us some of the back and forth, which came more to the end:

BOLDUAN: “‘Recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of anti-Semitism.’ You do not support — “

MASSIE: “That’s the name of the resolution. Congratulations.”

BOLDUAN: “I’m not reading the name of the resolution.

MASSIE: “Congratulations, you’re able to read the name of the resolution. I don’t vote on the names.”

BOLDUAN: “Ooh. Ooh, congressman, I don’t think you want — I don’t think you want — I don’t think you’re trying to question my intelligence now, are you?”

MASSIE: “No, I’m just saying you don’t have time to prepare for this like I did.”

BOLDUAN: “You mean the two pages that I read in two minutes this morning and highlighted the resolve that the House of Representatives — “

MASSIE: “Two minutes. Good for you. You took two minutes. There have been 19 resolutions, I know what’s in all of them. I studied them. And I say right on social media — if you had done a little more research, you wouldn’t have to ask me if I acknowledged Israel’s right to exist. It’s right there on my social media.”

Watch the full video for more…

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