WATCH: Trump clashes with GOP Rep who tells him “we don’t need a shutdown”…

Just after Trump threw down the ‘shutdown gauntlet’ at Democrats over immigration and in the very same meeting, a Republican challenged him by saying we don’t need a government shutdown, we just need bipartisan support on immigration.

But Trump hit back at her saying that we do need it because we aren’t getting support from Democrats.


Well so much for taking Trump’s lead, as I suggested in the other post.

In the last shutdown Congress just kicked the can down the road for a couple weeks with no real solution. Now we are here again and it’s time to get in the ring and fight if we don’t want to be here again in two or three weeks.

Democrats know that while they got blamed for the shutdown last time, that if this stalemate continues much longer Americans will eventually shift blame back toward Republicans and I expect that’s what they want.

So I welcome Trump’s tougher stance and I hope that Republican leadership doesn’t start arguing with the president like Comstock did in this clip. We must stand united against the Democrats if we are to win.

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