WATCH: Trump talks about Seattle, George Floyd and police reform, and more with Harris Faulkner

President Trump sat down with Harris Faulkner yesterday to discuss the madness in Seattle, George Floyd and police reform, and his controversial tweet that said ‘when the looting starts, the shooting starts’.


Trump reiterated what he’s said publicly about Seattle, saying that he’s not going to let these anarchists continue to occupy a portion of a city, adding again that if the mayor and governor won’t act, he will. He didn’t say what that would look like, just that it would happen. He also noted that he’s not going to call these protesters.

With regard to police reform Trump didn’t get into any specifics, only saying that whatever they do must keep the police strong.

And with regard to the controversial tweet, Trump explained that he’d heard the phrase from the mayor of Philadelphia as well as other places. He also defended the phrase, saying that it means different things, but primarily when the looting starts there will be shooting happening too.

One thing that wasn’t in this interview clip was Trump’s response to General Milley yesterday apologizing for going on the walk with trump in his fatigues, where he simply said “if that’s the way they feel, I think that’s fine.” He didn’t linger on it, rather pivoting to discuss how he’s strengthened the military and has good relationships with them.

Watch the clip for more…

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