“We will release Palestine with blood!” – Insane Arabic chants from pro-Hamas encampment on MIT campus

MIT Expert Retsef Levi posted the video below and wrote that Arabic chants are being heard from the pro-Hamas encampment on the campus of MIT.

Chants like “Death to the Zionists” and “We will release Palestine with blood” are just some of the things being said by these hateful extremists:

‘Death to the Zionists’

‘From the water to the water Israel will be destroyed’

‘We say openly that we don’t want any Zionists’ (here or in Israel)

‘We will release Palestine with blood’

Just some of the chants @MIT pro Hamas encampment.

The masks are off!

President Kornbluth should resign now!

AG Hamilton adds to this: “In Arabic they chant that “Palestine will be Arab” and “Death to Jews,” then in English they chant “we don’t want no Zionists here” and that “there is only one solution, Intifada revolution””

Will Biden rush to the mic to condemn this? Will President Kornbluth, who is allowing this to happen, finally call the police to have this pro-Hamas terrorist supporting mob removed and arrested???

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