What ‘THEY TOLD US’ vs THE TRUTH: An absolutely EPIC list and smackdown of ENDLESS media not mistakes, LIES

The media don’t just make mistakes. They tell us the exact opposite of the truth. That’s the incredibly accurate statement that Grabien’s Tom Elliott used to sum up his insanely long list of things the media SAID vs what ACTUALLY turned out to be the case.

It’s a perfect day for it. They already LIED about the audit results, as snottily as they possibly could. And their lies about Hunter Biden laptop story were exposed earlier this week. And those are just piker lies compared to the whales in this thread.

It’s infuriating. But it had to be compiled.

Twitchy found this perfect add-on tweet:

And we can count on being lied to a lot more.

Amen to that.

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