‘What you did APPALLS ME!’ – Media critic CONFRONTS Tomi Lahren over Dallas tweet

This was a really interesting debate about free speech and the responsibilities of media personalities in the age of social media. While talking about the tweet that former Congressman Joe Walsh posted that some saw as a threat to Obama, media critic David Zurawik told her she was wrong to stir up outrage on social media.

The confrontation comes at about the 6 minute mark, but the whole segment is worth watching:

This is the tweet that Tomi sent out and later deleted:

I think Zurawik has a point. We all have the freedom to speak our minds, but social media deceives us into thinking the louder, angrier, and more outraged we are that the more effective we become. It’s actually the opposite. We need to persuade others that we are right, not just beat them down with angry rhetoric. Unfortunately we’re conditioning ourselves to just yell “traitor” every time something we dislike happens. And that is not how you win elections…

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