White House source implies Steve Bannon LEAKED bombshell report to the New York Times

Soooo the Jake Tapper is getting in on the insane internecine fighting in the Trumpublican Party right now. Here’s the grenade he threw into the middle of it all:

Yes, yes, I know there are some people who will shrug and say CNN is Hitler, and everything they report is lies. Those same people will later scream out a headline from CNN reporting as long as it helps their side.

But I digress – if Tapper is correct, then that means the White House is trying to damage Bannon through leaking, by leaking that Bannon is trying to damage the White House by leaking to the New York Times.

Make America Leak Again!!!

Also, there are implications:


Now, if Bannon believes that Trump Jr. committed treason, and he’s willing to leak to the press in order to further his political agenda, then that means…. can I buy stock in popcorn?!?!

Here’s the NYT report they’re talking about.

Also has it escaped everyone’s attention that the very people who were whining about Obama holdovers and accusing everyone of their mothers of leaking to the press were supporting Bannon, who they are now accusing of being the biggest leaker of them all!??!

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