White House staffers reveal Clintons were paranoid, broke out in fights, called Secret Service ‘pigs’

CNN’s Jake Tapper is usually pretty reserved but he said he was “stunned” that White House staffers from Bill Clinton’s regime broke their silences to divulge embarrassing details about their time under America’s favorite fornicator.

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Here’s some of what they said happened at the White House:

a White House florist confirmed the longstanding rumor that Hillary Clinton once threw a lamp at Bill during a heated argument, while shouting “goddamn bastard!”

“You heard so much foul language” in the Clinton White House, he said.

Was the Lewinsky affair secret? NOPE!

White House help also confirmed that the Lewinsky affair was common knowledge, and that the staff even kept track of “Lewinsky sightings.” “Some on the staff have said that Hillary knew about Lewinsky long before it came out, and that what really upset her was not the affair itself but its discovery and the media feeding frenzy that followed,” Bower writes.

The Clintons are described as extremely paranoid:

Former White House usher Skip Allen tells Brower the Clintons were “about the most paranoid people I’d ever seen in my life.” Another usher Chris Emery was fired because he taught former first lady Barbara Bush how to use a computer, and later took her call when she had technical problems. But the Clintons saw his call log, became convinced he was informing on them, and found a pretense to fire him.

And if you wanted any more reason to dislike Chelsea Clinton, here you go:

One White House staffer shared the disturbing time Chelsea Clinton called a Secret Service Agent a “pig” to his face, a derogatory term for law enforcement:

Chelsea was on the phone. ‘Oh, I’ve got to go,’ she told her friend. ‘The pigs are here.’

The agent turned ‘crimson,’ [White House florist Ronn] Payne recalls. ‘Ms. Clinton, I want to tell you something. My job is to stand between you, your family, and a bullet. Do you understand?’

She replied: ‘Well, that’s what my mother and father call you.’

Charming! Let’s get that back in the White House immediately! (That was sarcasm.)


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