WHITE HOUSE: Women must be able murder their babies to serve in the military [VIDEO]

Joe Biden’s hack NSC aide John Kirby went on a 3 minute rant today explaining why women need to be able to murder their unborn babies to serve in the military.

Here’s the ridiculous video:

Of course Kirby calls it ‘reproductive care’ but we all know that’s just code for unborn baby murder. He acts as if it is something that they owe women who are serving. Good grief.

But he actually makes the argument that if we don’t let women murder their unborn babies then we’re going to have a retention and morale issue, suggesting that’s already happening in states passing pro-life laws that protect the unborn. And that’s how much a baby’s life means to these people. If it gets in the way of a woman being able to serve, kill it! No problem! Ugh.

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