Why aren’t liberals OUTRAGED at this muppet imposing Western values on Afghanistan?

There’s a new muppet on Sesame Street in Afghanistan and the little racist is imposing Western values on the poor Afghani victims!! Where are the liberal social justice warriors to scream racism!??!

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A new muppet is coming to Afghanistan’s “Sesame Street” to promote equal opportunities for all genders.

Meet 4-year-old Zeerak, the younger brother of 6-year-old Zari.

The smart and studious Zari was introduced last season and became one of the country’s most popular muppets. She shows what girls can do.

Zeerak wants to grow up to be just like Zari, and she’s the one encouraging him to work hard in school.

Most Afghan girls don’t get a formal education. The country has one of the world’s lowest literacy rates, and it’s especially low for women at just 17 percent.

And in areas of the country controlled by the Taliban, women and girls have fewer rights.

Surveys show Zari is well-liked among viewers — regardless of gender.

Why isn’t this muppet pushing a Western standard of gender equity just as evil and colonialist as any other standard from the West? It’s because they LIKE this standard, that’s why.

This is why liberals are such hypocrites and liars. Conservatives at least admit that we believe our Western values are better and should be spread across the world. Liberals PRETEND that they think this is racist and colonialist, but they only scream about it when it’s conservative Western values being spread. When it’s progressive Western values, all of a sudden they’re applauding like trained seals.

Stoopid libs.

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