WHY do liberals think this GROSS ad campaign will turn out votes??!

IN a completely mystifying and confusing move, liberals are stripping naked in order to gross people out and.. I guess make them vote against Trump? Huh?

Seriously what the hell are they thinking:

Look, I get the whole body positivity movement. There’s some good to telling people, especially women, that they shouldn’t resort to unhealthy eating disorders to try to live up to an impossible standard of beauty. But c’mon, most people are just not attractive. And fat. Very fat.

Is THIS really gonna bring people out to the polls??!?

What the hell does that have to do with voting?!? LOL!

Dude. Wow.

If that’s what I can expect at the polling place I’m mailing that one in.

What is this weird face this woman is making in this photo? It’s just bizarre:

And of course, there’s always a response from the right….

Wow. That’s quite a hashtag!!

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