Woah: Bill Maher DEFENDS Laura Ingraham against ‘BULLY’ David Hogg’s boycott!!

Man, David Hogg is such an obnoxious a-hole that the king of obnoxious a-holes tried to pull rank on him!!

Here’s video of Bill Maher defending Laura Ingraham:

More from the Hill:

“I want to defend Laura Ingraham,” Maher told the audience. “I know it sounds ridiculous, but it has to do with the Parkland kids and guns and free speech.”

“Again, he is in the arena, and then he calls for a boycott of her sponsors,” Maher continued, referring to Hogg, a student survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in February.

“Really? Is that American?” Maher asked the crowd, several of whom audibly shouted “yes!” in response.

“He complains about bullying? That’s bullying!” the host continued. “I have been the victim of a boycott…I’ve lost a job as a result. It is wrong. You shouldn’t do this by team, you should do it by principle.”

“Boycotting is part of free speech,” shot back former New York Gov. Elliot Spitzer (D). “Saying, ‘I don’t want to work with that person. Saying I will not buy a product from that person. That’s speech.'”

“Really? All of the things Laura Ingraham has said over the years, and this is the straw that broke the camel’s back?” Maher shot back.

It creates a “very chilling atmosphere,” Maher added.

What a weird time we live in. But Maher has also shown himself to go contra his fellow liberals when it comes to the threat of Islam, so I guess it’s good to see him betray their cause here too….

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