“Worst persecution since Chairman Mao Zedong” – China expands UNRELENTING crackdown against Christians

CBN News is exposing how Biden’s good friend, President Xi of China, is expanding his crackdown against Christians and Muslims with unrelenting persecution:

Here’s from from CBN’s Greg Lane:

While Communist China moves aggressively to spread its influence throughout the Pacific region and around the world, the government is expanding a crackdown against people of faith at home.

In its effort to assure that all its citizens comply with the edicts and beliefs of the state, the Chinese Communist Party is targeting Christians for persecution and ethnic Muslims for genocide.

On February 1, 2021, China’s Public Security Bureau (PSB) police stormed onto the property of a government-sanctioned church in China’s Wenzhou City. Their mission? Toppling a cross from the roof of a church building for a second time. They had removed the cross seven years earlier, but church members replaced it.

Bob Fu is the Founder and Director of China Aid, a Midland, Texas-based group that helps China’s persecuted Christians.

“In that city alone we have documented over 1,600 churches where their crosses were being burnt, destroyed, and destructed. And many pastors you know were even detained, imprisoned,” he said.

China’s Christians say it is the worst persecution against them since Chairman Mao Zedong.

“To use ambassador Sam Brownback’s word, ‘it’s a war against the faith,'” Fu explained. “I think it’s a war against the independent faith.”

And it’s no longer limited to certain regions of China.

VOM Radio Host Todd Nettleton says this massive wave of Christian persecution is widespread and it’s coming from the national government.

“What we say in 2021 is that everywhere in China there is intense persecution of Christians. There are intense efforts to control the church, to bring the church under Communist Party control,” he explained.

The crackdown is affecting every Christian in China said Nettleton – Protestants, Catholics, government registered churches, and unregistered house churches.

Using COVID as an excuse for more persecution…

And Fu said the CCP has a new excuse for targeting Christians.

“Now under this pretext of Covid-19 coronavirus, the Chinese Communist Party has intensified its persecution by banning all the church activities – even those worship services, prayer meetings in believer’s own homes with their own family members.”

On July 22, 2020, a Christian woman heard a loud knock on the door of her home in China’s Xiamen City.
She refused to allow police to enter her home without a permit.

Moments later, they destroyed the lock and entered anyway, breaking up what the government said was an “illegal” meeting.

Fu said it was another example of President Xi Jing Ping’s campaign of Sinicization, which means Christians are only considered to be good citizens if they adhere to communist ideology.

“Ironically, Xi Jinping’s portrait was even put on the church pulpit along with Chairman Mao and the first line item of worship by the government-sanctioned church before Covid-19 was to sing the Communist Party National Anthem,” Fu explained.

And examples go beyond churches.

In Fuzhou City, a Catholic family was forced out of their government-subsidized housing after they refused to remove religious icons from their home.

And China’s Religious Affairs Bureau has banned “religious funeral ceremonies” and preaching in funeral places.

This persecution of Christians has been going on for several years in China and it appears that under Biden it’s going to get much worse. But will Biden and his administration work to pressure China to stop any of this? Don’t count on it. He’s already admitted last week on CNN that he told President Xi that he’ll only criticize him over these human rights abuses because it’s good American politics for him to do so, not because he really cares about forcing him to change. And he said President Xi knows not to get offended when he does say something.


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