WOW: Google/YouTube SHUTS DOWN and ERASES pro-life 300,000 subscriber LifeSite News channel

The Big Tech Purge is still WELL underway folks. Biden and congress are, with the help of CNN, trying very hard to distract you from that fact. But did they think we wouldn’t notice a major pro-life YouTube channel with 300,000 subscribers going missing? Really?

“YouTube just completely removed the LifeSiteNews YouTube channel,” the site reported a short time ago. “This isn’t a temporary ban; every single one of our videos is completely gone.”

LifeSite does not say what they did that triggered the ban. Presumably an anti-abortion video but we’ll see.

Here’s what you see now if you follow old links to their channel:

Luckily they have all their videos backed up. If you see Rumble in their future, you’re right.


The purge continues.

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