WOW: Looks like *140* Republicans will OBJECT to ELECTORAL college vote, Fake Tapper has HISSY

It’s not just Josh Hawley, not that we thought it would be, but now CNN is, with full DRAMATIC dismay and end-of-the-world-ism is reporting that up to 140 Republicans and maybe even more will OBJECT to accepting the electoral college result naming Joe Biden the winner and Donald Trump the loser in the 2020 General Election.

Jake Tapper basically cried like a newborn infant about it his whole show, making YUGE pronouncements about the end of Democracy and blah blah. It’s a republic, by the wake, Fake Jake. Can’t you ever get ANYTHING right?

I don’t recommend, for the sake of your health and sanity, watching both of these Tapper clips all the way through. But just skim them for a good laugh.

“Even though Democrats haven’t done it to this degree” … lol. That is literally the weakest thing he’s ever tried to pull. Not that anyone will bust him for it.

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