Wow: Ralph Peters airs MORE DIRTY LAUNDRY from Fox News…

Man, Ralph Peters is not screwing around. I thought his first letter was a scathing critique of Fox News, but this second missive is pretty devastating too.

Peters says that Fox News ignored his Russian expertise because he wouldn’t back Trump:

Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, who left Fox News as a contributor with a fiery resignation letter earlier this month, made the new claims in an op-ed for The Washington Post on Friday.

He asserted that the network “preaches paranoia, attacking processes and institutions vital to our republic and challenging the rule of law.”

Peters said that he remained with the network despite his concerns over its coverage because he “rationalized that I could make a difference by remaining at Fox and speaking honestly.”

“I was wrong,” he added.

Peters wrote that he was not invited on segments about Russia despite being “the one person on the Fox payroll who, trained in Russian studies and the Russian language, had been face to face with Russian intelligence officers in the Kremlin and in far-flung provinces.”

“Listening to political hacks with no knowledge of things Russian tell the vast Fox audience that the special counsel’s investigation was a ‘witch hunt,’ while I could not respond, became too much to bear. There is indeed a witch hunt, and it’s led by Fox against [special counsel] Robert Mueller,” he wrote.

Fox News is denying the report:

“There is no truth to the notion that Ralph Peters was ‘blocked’ from appearing on the network to talk about the major headlines, including discussing Russia, North Korea and even gun control recently. In fact, he appeared across both networks multiple times in just the past three weeks,” a Fox News spokesperson said in a statement to The Hill.

It’s really tough to believe them, given just how much they’ve gone out of their way to back anything Trump says. I mean, Hannity’s motto now is literally that they will always have allegiance to Trump.

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