WOW: This raw footage caught by U.S. Marine in Kabul is stunning, shows the LIE of what Biden admin selling

The words “raw footage” hardly suffice to describe just how very real, raw, and unedited the video presented here actually. It’s filled with strange moments, like smashing up vehicles that would be left behind, strangely gross moments in the latrine, and the absolute CHAOS of the Kabul airport during the withdrawal overseen by the Biden White House they’ve tried to sell as orderly and smooth.

Raw is a good a word as any, though, to describe the video and the withdrawal itself. Orderly isn’t even in the same solar system as the right word for what it was like as the U.S. scrambled to get out of the way of the Taliban’s aggressive and fast takeover that could have been foreseen and prevented but wasn’t because of Biden’s fecklessness.

Task & Purpose assembled some of the scenes as gifs.

The full collection from Marine Cpl. Mike Markland has been uploaded to YouTube .. for now, at least.

I’m going to warn you again about the nature of this video. You can’t unsee some of it. But it is stunning. The danger and chaos grow over the course of the video, which is a two-week or so span of the withdrawal.

The lies told by Biden and Psaki are unconscionable.

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