The Right Scoop

MSNBC to Santorum: Would you outlaw contraception?

With all that’s wrong in our country today, MSNBC chose to grill Santorum on his views on contraception and even asked if he’d outlaw it: (via Newsbusters)

The Right Scoop

New Rick Perry Campaign Ad – Win Iowa

This is a good ad from Perry, touting his faith, his jobs record and his idea to make Congress part-time, all the while showing how he’s doing the hard work of shaking . . .

The Right Scoop

Bolton: If you’re thinking about Ron Paul, think again!

Bolton first weighs in on Obama weaknesses in foreign policy, namely his removal of troops from Iraq that Bolton calls ‘catastrophic’, which he says should worry the entire world given its broader . . .

The Right Scoop

Ed Schultz: Tea Party Republicans are like sewer rats

Right before Christmas, Ed Schultz took to the airwaves to vent his frustration with Tea Party Republicans, you know, the ones who operate more on principle than is normally seen in Congress. . . .

The Right Scoop

CNN/Time Poll: Santorum places 3rd in Iowa

I just caught this on CNN as they are releasing the results of their new CNN/Time/ORC poll, and it looks like Santorum is on the rise: This is great news for Santorum. . . .

The Right Scoop

More Ron Paul crazy: The Bilderbergs

To his credit in 2008, in he seems like he really don’t want to answer the question. To his demise, he actually does answer it: (via BBTV) —

The Right Scoop

Newt Ad: Winning the Argument

Newt released a new ad yesterday and it looks like he’s going back to the debates, the big reason he was propelled to the front of the pack in the first place, . . .

The Right Scoop

My twitter conversation with Judge Napolitano

To my surprise, Judge Napolitano engaged me on twitter today after I answered a question he posed. It ended up being a very interesting conversation and I was a little surprised at . . .

The Right Scoop

Newt on his support of RomneyCare in 2006

It was revealed yesterday or today that Newt had supported RomneyCare when it was passed in 2006. He was asked about this in his interview on CNN today, and he answer is . . .

The Right Scoop

Ron Paul: Hamas was started by Israel

Hamas was encouraged and started by the Israelis as a tool to counteract Yasser Arafat, so says Ron Paul. Need I say more? Skip to 1:20 (via Hotair) *** UPDATE: Ed Morrissey . . .