ANGRY Trump Jr. DEFENDS PUTIN, says Clinton accusation is ‘BIGGEST LIE’ he’s ever heard

In a manic interview this morning, a bleary-eyed frantic Donald Trump Jr. valiantly defended the poor meek despot Putin from accusations by the Clinton camp that they orchestrated the DNC leak to hurt Hillary.

Watch below:

It makes sense that they’d want to deny Hillary’s accusation that Putin is helping Trump, but what I find odd is how passionately he’s defending Putin’s innocence. He could have very easily just stuck to the fact that Hillary is trying to deflect from the scandal by blaming Putin without denying whether the Russians were behind it. But little Junior HAS to go all the way and say that it’s the “biggest lie” he’s ever heard. Really? How does he know that Putin isn’t behind it? This whole answer is very odd.

Especially when you consider this:

Here’s when the Russians hacked the Pentagon. 

Here’s when the Russians hacked the White House emails. 

Here’s when Russian hackers stole Trump opposition research from the DNC and released it to help him.

But they’re completely innocent THIS time, right, Junior?

Notice how much he projects Trump’s own faults too – he mocks how Mook quotes “experts” when Trump often quotes vague “other people” who say things, he says they’ll say anything to win, and he can’t believe the DNC questioned Bernie’s faith when Trump did that over and over. Finally, he whines that if Trump had made similar accusations that he’d get “the electric chair” when Trump HAS in fact said that Hillary is controlled by foreign interests all the time!! It’s just amazing how lacking in self-knowledge this family is.

So why is toupee junior so passionate about defending a Russian despot?

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