BREAKING: Corker now a YES on tax bill…

Well this is a bit unexpected. Bob Corker, who refused to vote yes the tax bill when it was in the Senate a couple of weeks ago, is now apparently going to . . .

Ted Cruz mocks Net Neutrality snowflakes!

Ted Cruz took to social media last night to tweet some much needed mocking of the net neutrality snowflakes who think the world is ending over the FCC’s decision to repeal net . . .

Turkey announces it will open an embassy in EAST Jerusalem

When Netanyahu invited other countries to follow the US and move their embassies to Jerusalem, this isn’t what he had in mind: LA TIMES – Escalating the chorus of global condemnation of . . .

Washington State, NY to SUE over Net Neutrality repeal

Of course: THE HILL – Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that he would sue to block the end of net neutrality rules, becoming the latest state attorney general to announce . . .

BREAKING: FCC votes to repeal Net Neutrality!!!

In a partisan vote, the FCC has just voted to repeal Obama’s Net Neutrality: Here’s more from Business Insider: The FCC has voted to repeal net neutrality protections it put in place . . .