All the BEST liberal MELTDOWNS over Trump!!!

Now look, you all know I’m disappointed el Trumpo got elected, but one of the silver linings as how libs are freaking out and supping on their sweet sweet tears. In that . . .

VIDEO: I got your liberal tolerance RIGHT HERE!

As you might imagine, the Trump victory is got libs in all sorts of disorder today. Here are some Berkeley students chanting that Trump is not their president: Shameful #BerkeleyHigh students chant . . .

White House won’t rule out a PARDON for Hillary

Given all that Hillary has done and Trump’s call to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her, one has to conclude that Obama is considering a pardon for her to save her . . .

MCconnell: We will move SWIFTLY to repeal Obamacare

McConnell, like Ryan, told reporters they will move swiftly to repeal Obamacare: .@SenateMajLdr": Repealing Obamacare "pretty high item on our agenda…I would be shocked if we didn't move forward" — ABC . . .

Obama tries to console grieving Democrats and liberals!!

Obama addressed the country after the amazing Trumpian victory and tried to console grieving Democrats and liberals over their historic loss. Watch below: It was actually a pretty decent speech. It seems . . .

WATCH: Larry Sabato apologizes, says WE WERE WRONG

Larry Sabato apologized on Fox and Friends this morning for being completely wrong about the election: .@LarrySabato: We were wrong, and I apologize. — FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) November 9, 2016 . . .

WATCH: Netanyahu records video congratulating Trump

Netanyahu just released a video congratulating Trump for his big win last night. Watch: President-elect @realDonaldTrump, my friend,Congratulations on being elected President of the USA. You are a great friend of Israel. . . .